A unique Montana-based investment network.
Generating returns for our investors, our communities, and all Montanans by accelerating the growth of the tech ecosystem
About Frontier Angels
Frontier Angels is a group of ~100 people from across the state of Montana who gather every few weeks for breakfast or dinner in Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, or Kalispell to review investment opportunities in the emerging technology ecosystem. Most of our members are current or former entrepreneurs or C-level executives in multinational companies. Their depth and breadth of expertise helps emerging companies develop the right strategies and make the connections they need to grow and thrive.
We’re a friendly group, working together with talented entrepreneurs and our ecosystem partners to create the companies that will be the foundation of the next economy.

Our Goals
- Generate attractive returns for our investors;
- Build and organize the pool of available early stage capital to make it easier for entrepreneurs to get funded; and
- Invest in companies who will grow to become the new foundations of the next economy and create high-skilled, high-paying and sustainable jobs in our communities.

Upcoming Meeting and Event Schedule
March 20 2025 - Group Dinner - Bozeman
June 18 2025 - Member Meeting @ AC Hotel - Bozeman
July 24 2025 - Founders & Investors Happy Hour - Whitefish/Flathead
Sept 18 2025 - Member Dinner & Start-up Happy Hour - Peak Ski, Bozeman
December 10 2025 - Holiday Party & Member Dinner - AC Hotel, Bozeman
The Managing Director
Pat LaPointe is an entrepreneur who built and sold three companies in the marketing and data analytics field. These days he brings a very entrepreneur-friendly approach to angel and venture investing, and served on the Board of the Angel Capital Association. With a portfolio of over 60 investments and afflicted by endless curiosity, Pat enjoys learning about new business models and innovative technologies and loves helping entrepreneurs find their path to growth and success. See more at his LinkedIn page.

Our National Network
If your business needs $1M to $5M in growth capital, we'll bring our national network of investors in to help close the gap
Angel Capital Association
The ACA is the national organization representing over 200 angel groups and over 14,000 angel investors investing over $1B annually. They provide training for entrepreneurs and investors, early stage investment analysis and insights, and strong lobbying support for federal and state public policy initiatives to encourage angel investing. Learn more at the AngelCapitalAssociation.org.

Angel Syndication Network
ASN is a network of over 40 angel groups across the country who gather online each month to see presentations from several companies nominated by members. Together, we invest well over $100M annually in the best companies we can find.